We have because we are in awe of these athletes who have trained all of their lives (read: there is nothing else on).
-What's with the skimpy bra and panties that the beach volleyball gals are sporting? The ping pong players certainly care just as much about wind speed and drag and full shoulder rotation - and they aren't wearing their skivvies...
-Didja catch the opening ceremony? The little girl singer was a cuter stand-in? what a sad comment on the spirit of the whole thing. Looks are more important than talent. Nice message for our little girls...
-I sure as hell hope that Michael Phelps - who is superhuman, by the way - is 100% clean as a whistle. It would suck if someone claimed otherwise. Even if he isn't doing 'roids (which I am sure he is not), just the mention of it would create a media mess complete with new video graphics and a theme song.
-I would like to see some OTHER country's , even if not in contention for a medal against the US,
covered on NBC. And enough with the medal count tallyboard.
-The chinese woman's gymnastics team : Are these even women? I guess you'd here from the Olympic Committee if they admitted they recruited at the local preschool. Some of them are so small don't even leave a dent in the mat when they land off the vault. They try to make 'em look older by painting them with cheesy blue shadow and pink glittery cheeks. One of the NBC commentators even alluded to the probability that their passports are forged and could be as young as 13 or 14.
The Swim Cube ...need I say more?
Phelps IS superman... I'm having fun watching him kick butt all over the place..
Ya. The Chinese *ahem* women gymnasts...they're good sure, but 16?? Methinks NOT.
Well apparently thongs are de rigeur. We were watching the synchronized diving - which was pretty cool. But the bathing suits for some. They were cut up to thier waists. And showing lots of "cheek."
And then the gymnasts. I heard somewhere that many of the Chinese "women" still had their baby teeth!
I am loving the olympics. However i'm a little upset that this is the last year for softball and baseball but they're keeping in ping-pong,air pistol, and table tennis! I'm sorry but those are not sports, they're games!
I totally think some of those chinese gymnasts are like 10!
I truly believe that if they somehow prove the girl gymnasts are indeed old enough, it will prove my point that exercise stunts your growth. It makes your boobs look like mosquito bites if you're female and if you are male, you have a tiny boner after every dismount.
PS:Found you on my sister's favs and she is never allowed to have fun without me! You are great!!!
we're having a blast watching the Olympics, except it's keeping me up until at leaswt midnight cuz I don't want to miss a minute of it.
It pissed me off that someone has alluded that Phelps is on something. Why can't he just be talented and a incredibly hard worker? He is an amazing athlete.
And yes, what a sad message China is sending to it's little girls..Just another thing that's backward about that country.
The male divers' suits can continue to get smaller in my opinion.
I'm all for some beach volleyball but have you noticed that the men all wear shorts & shirts. I can't imagine how much sand is getting in places that I'd rather not have sand.
If you go to the other networks that run Olympic coverage, you'll see other countries and much less commentary. I've been watching CNBC, Oxygen, USA, and MSNBC I think.
We're totaly hooked at our place. I love Micheal Phelps, but I can't WAIT to see what Dara Torres is going to do!
We're glued as well - more like super glue.
I agree - we need more variety, I know there are PLENTY of channels featuring different events - but I certainly can't DVR ALL of them! LOL
I wonder about those Chinese gymnasts. The first time I saw them I was shocked at how young they looked. I noticed that one of them was missing a tooth, and thought to myself that she couldn't be more than 12 years old. Either that, or these girls all have the lucky gene of looking like babies for life.
Wow--thanks for the Olympic update. I have not watched a single second of the games. I'm all rooting for Team USA--woo!--but that doesn't mean I'll watch. Just don't tell anyone I said that, lest I come across as a traitor.
I did watch the '96 games...but only 'cause they were in Atlanta, of course!
haha! we DID write about all the same things! olympics on the brain, i guess!
I only catch bits and pieces. Now I want to see the Chinese gymnastic team.
I have not watched any of the Olympics but I did hear that sad story of the Chinese girl having a good voide but not being pretty enough and I thought it was awful. The one with the great voice was as cute as a button.
WE were glued to the diving..with our 2yr old emphatically insisting that He could 'do dat!" after every dive.
I agree with every word you said...those gymnasts cannot possibly be 16...no way, no how....and I have another two words for ya...
Birds Nest.
LURVE me some Olympics. Though I'm like you...I'd like to see other countries...isn't that what it's all about?
so sad that these kids are manipulated this way. It's the sad but I know that there is a possibility that it is true. I lived in Asia and anything is possible.
I'm lurving me some Phelps . . . and staying up WAY too late to watch him!
Chinese Gymnasts: HA! No way they are 16. Makes me sick.
I blogged about the opening ceremonies, too. Cheating is cheating, not matter what!
And, if the girls wear skimpy skimpy suits for volleyball, the boys should too!!! I mean, all in fairness, and everything!
If you watch closely, Michael Phelps had some help winning all those gold metals......those ears of his help him spin around helping him get to the other side of the pool. He has 4 arms!
If you watch closely, Michael Phelps had some help winning all those gold metals......those ears of his spin around helping him get to the other side of the pool before anyone else. He has 4 arms!
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