Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Welcome to the first (and possibly only) Friday edition of the Name the Photo contest! Winner will be chosen at random and receive a brand new and very shiny ....comment from me! For more bloggyland pictures, go to Candid Carrie's and check 'em out!
My option? "Honey, we really need to get a convertible with seating for four

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Mine is: Hon, I thought you sprayed for pests.
Fresh Catch of the Day: Delicious goodness!
Warning: Do Not Feed The Animals.
It's what's for dinner!
They have such sweet yet sinister smiles on their faces, like they are going to break through and eat you up, not the other way around!
Mom are you in there? Mom are you hiding from us. Mom!
Picture Proof: Mermaids Exist!
Mom, it's not funny anymore. Let us out!
Just let us out we Promise to be good!
"Spiderman, Spiderman. Doing the things a spider can..."
Hang on tight kids, we'll be down soon!!
The New and Improved Time Out:-)
Yeah, I got nuthin.
Adorable girls though!!
I like mama dawgs the best.
"Mom! We fell off the trapeze!"
When are you going to buy us real beds?
That safety net isn't going to keep us from growing up any faster than the other kids.
Comin' up blank here! Love the photo though!
Thanks for stopping by today!
HALP! Childrenz of da corn iz bak!
Aww--cute picture!!
I got nothin either.. I'll blame the wine... really cute shot!
I can't think of anything clever! Its cute though!
I like Mama Dawg's and Head Nut's options the best.
thanks for playing along everyone!
"Dr. Moreau found it essential to keep the results of the cloning experiment separated from the rest of the herd."
okay- Trooper Thorn made me laugh!!
"swim down, swim down..."
another Finding Nemo quote from Kat
-good on ya mate!
"They float through the air
With the greatest of ease,
The goofy young kids
On the flying trapeze"
I'm coming up blank, but I LOVE the picture!!
I'm with Carrie
"didn't you spray for pests?"
"can't believe we walked through that random pile of leaves down there..."
Im telling Grammy you keep your kids in a cage!
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