Monday, February 18, 2008

I love words that have more than one meaning...

Like the title of this blog.

If you were wondering, the Swirl refers to what I used to do professionally and what I now do recreationally. I am a self professed cork dork....

The Pearls refers to the words, the 'isms' , the swirling rants of a stay at home mom for whom the internet has given a new refuse to channel her self-professed pearls of wisdom.
Aah , c'mon, gimme a break, huh? Haven't you been reading along?

The real pearls in my life are my two greatest accomplishments thus far in the 43 and 360/365ths years I have been around...

My girls, Emily Rose (age 8) and Rachel Michelle (age 4).

They are two happy children with amazing gifts for language, the ability to tell a good knock-knock joke at a ripe young age, and the inate love of music and dance - and amazing temperamants...Can you guess which half of those things they get from me and which from hubby????
rachel "mom, mom ...knock , knock."
me "whose there"
rachel '' hoof"
me "hoof, who?"
rachel " hoof arted"
I swear she made this up herself. Maybe we can get her a job on Leno.

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