I bet you think I shorcircuited the Papa Smurf, thus burning my , um...'hands'...and that's why I haven't posted in a week. Nope!
Not so - I had my semi annual girls' weekend in Vegas last weekend! And, for once, what happened there didn't stay there (yes, folks...there was a Santa Claus). When I go to Vegas, I go for 3 nights and one day (can you say 'round the clock?) My mom and sister were winners too! I don't know, but I saw no signs of economic slowdown - it was packed! It was a great weekend and it was even better when you win. Trust me.
So I am making this one short and sweet (because some things that happen in Vegas do actually stay there) and not going to go on about my weekend. Yet.
I will, however, play along with Candid Carrie and put up some wonderful pictures of our day at the beach a few weeks ago. The sky was so blue that even Crayola couldn't reproduce it. The air was crisp and cool, so there were no other people at the beach. Just us, a kite and the camera. Then, we hit a pharmer's market and got 3 phlats of strawberries for $5.oo. I love those kinds of days!
oh, and the photos?
I just love the way the girls and Hubby look as they watch the Panda kite go forth and conquer.
OOOHHH, so THAT's the beach I'll be at soon?? I can't wait! And while I thought I wasn't hitting CA until July, I just found out I have a 3 day new hire training in 2 WEEKS! YIPEE!
And girl's weekend in VEGAS? Oh man. You definately know how to live, girl.
Looks like the kind of day where no one needed to run to get the kite up. We appreciate that in our later years, we dads.
Oh, it's the luckiest of souls who gets to live by the beach!! What a wonderful day - great memories for the kiddos for sure.
Vegas - awesome. Can't wait to hear all the details.
Did Papa Smurf miss you ;-)
Such nice, calm, peaceful kite flying pics. I don't go kite flying with my kids anymore because it's full of me yelling, "Run!" "Let it out!" What are you doing?" No! We're not going home yet, we're flying a kite!!!"
Aaah so much fun!!
Aw, those pictures are priceless!!! Now send me some of that money you won 'cause I'm broke.
Justine :o )
I love the pics...but so want to hear about your vegas trip too!
Love all that blue !!! Kite flying is such fun and it looks as though they were having a great time..
Just look at that team work. Gotta love it.
Thanks for visiting!
I loved hearing about the Vegas trip (and your photos are beautiful too!) - my hubby just got back from 3 days in Vegas, and yeah, they were round the clock too. That was last week and I think he is still readjusting to normal time, LOL!
VEGAS!!! Way more fun than my girls week at the Boston marathon...there ain't no slot machines...just lots of crazy running people! I'm glad you won...that doesn't suck at all!
oh i would kill for the beach right now! we want deets on Vegas baby!
looks like a wonderful day of kite flying
Ohhh, those are so sweet!!! I need a trip to the beach. Bad.
I love days at the beach! And a day at the beach with a kite? Perfection!
Can I come with you next year? No, seriously, I mean it.
Love the photos! I'm glad you had a great time in Vegas and didn't...burn...yourself! :)
God are you lucky you got your girls weekend in before the Swine Flu cancels all air travel!!!!!
p.s. i totally know what Soylent Green is- but I bet most people don't. :)
Hope all your 8s were properly split.
I love your girls and husband...blissfully enjoying each other and the beach.
And there you were, living it up in Vegas.
It's how is should be for us wives and mamas...a few times a year, at least.
Pics are cute!
Lucky!! Vegas! And you're not giving any details?! Not fair!
Phlats of strawberries? good one.
I, too, am stuck in my cavity prone years. Of all the things to inherit! We couldn't inherit money, no! We inherit shit genetics.
Umm Hellooooo Why was I not invited?? Have you noticed that my family are lunatics and I could use some getting away from them time.
We have several kites... and yet to fly a single one... we suck.
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