Here is a typical conversation with the 4 year old...and it just happened today:
Rachel: "Mom, What if there was no sun?"
Me: " Well, then we'd be in the dark all the time."
Rachel: "What if we were in the dark all the time?"
Me: "Well, then we wouldnt' be able to see anything."
Rachel: " What if we couldn't see anything and we had to blow our noses?"
Me: "Well, then we would blow our noses in the dark and hope we got it all in the tissue.'
Rachel: "What if we had no nostrils?"
Me: "Well, then we would have no noses to blow."
Rachel: "What if we could blow our boogers out of our bummies?"
Me: : Well, ....(pause)...then we'd be killing two birds with one stone!"
Rachel: ...(sound of crickets chirping) ??
Efficiency. I like it. One day, I don't doubt science will see to it that this actually happens!
I'm with FADKOG Totally efficient
This made me snort! But no boogers were involved.
Oh, this made me laugh .. I like the What If's much more than the Why's. Get's me thinking.
I, for one, hope I never have to blow boogers out my bummie .. but maybe that's just me :o)
LOLOL...leave it to kids to simplify life! Sad thing is...they make more sense then teenagers! heheh have a great day!
ROFL!!! This has me GIGGLING this morning, thanks for sharing.
I love it when I'm able to render them speechless! It's like "score one for momma!"
Clever thought process, LOL!
That's so funny-I just did a post about I always have to rely on Google or Wiki to answer all the questions my kid asks me....she's a "why" & "what-if" kid. Next time she has a question, I'll have her ask you! :)
Hilarious! I think I knew a kid in school who blew snot out his bum.
Ahhh. My 3 yr old is into "what's?" right now. "What's the sun?" meaning what is it MADE of. I think I would rather the why's.
Hahhhhhhaaaaha, thats cute!! Exhausting fir you Im sure!!! ;) LA
When my teen starts to annoy me I'll try to remember how annoying whywhywhywhy was. Thanks!
You are lucky you didn't get an eruption of tears followed by "Mommy, why do you want to kill birds?"
Did you patent the "Butter Me Up Scotty"? Because if you didn't I'm going to make a fortune!!!
I don't think I would want to launch boogers that way, but it is funny.
Sounds like my conversations. :)
I totally used to do that to my mom. I feel for you...there's just no winning...unless you say something that completely confuses her and stops her in her tracks...but really it probably just led to a LOT more question asking!! :)
Kids are so weird. I love them.
Why can't i be that clever?!? I, of course would think of wayyy after the fact! That was funny!
She's a smart analytical thinker!
This made me think of the South Park episode when Cartman wants to know if you put food up your bum will you poop out your mouth...
The answer is yes so don't try it.
Nice conversation. My boys love any kind of talk about things coming out of butts. NICE.
I had the "why's" for about a week. Not sure if it's because my 4-yo is a boy or due to his speech delay, but either way, kind of a small blessing. ;)
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