Sorry for this, I just had to show you our Halloween pictures. Aren't they cute? And check out Rachel's rock hard abs...she get's that from me.

November 4th...Election day
4 year old's preschool class going to an actual polling place to see what an election is all about. She knows that tomorrow , mommy's and daddy's across the country will be voting for our new "precedent" (no pun intended I am sure, just a pronounciation issue).
The children in her class will vote on which is their favorite ice cream flavor.
Chocolate or vanilla. Then, after all the votes are tabulated , they will eat the winner.
If it were only that easy.
4th Grade teacher is donating the excessive amounts of Halloween candy to those less fortunate. I told the 9 year old that I put a dye pack in the donation bag which, upon opening - would explode in her face and she would look like an Ooompa Loompa (complete with orange face and green hair) if she pilferred the bag. I think she actually believed me and swears she won't open the bag once I drop her off tomorrow.
If it were only that easy.
We took the girls to see 'Stomp' the other night. If you are not familiar with the show, it is a troupe of percussionists who use everyday things like brooms, and garbage cans, and paper bags to make music. No words or music or big theatrical production numbers....just common things that make the rhythm and harmony. It was great fun for everyone in the audience of all ages. You can't leave the theater without smiling and shaking your Tic Tac container to a rhythmic beat.
Balloon hats and music invoke smiles.... and smiling and laughter are what separate man from beast. The common human experience. We took our kids to the Skirball Museum in L.A. to see the Balloon Guy a few month ago, and we have exposed them to all kinds of music and theater.
In their own diplomatic way, while discussing important things like why people are standing on the side of the road waving 'Yes on Prop somethingorother' or 'Honk if you're voting No on thisandthat' - Rachel had the idea that we should just 'Stomp' our grumpies away when were mad about something. Emily thought we should have each candidate twist up a big balloon hat and whoever twisted the most intricate one without popping it would be declared the winner.
If it were only that easy.
This, coming from a Barbie doll and her Oompa Loompa sister. Hell, if Sarah Palin has a chance to become the Vice President - just maybe they are on to something.
LOVE the dye-pack idea! And, yes, there are definitely some balloon-heads I'd love to stomp on...and SOON.
;^) Anna
Cute trick o treaters! The things we tell our children... lol!
You never fail to amaze me. I love that y'all saw Stomp. It's one live show I've always wanted to see but never have. One day...it will happen.
And your girls were ADORABLE in their costumes. So sassy!
Too cute! Swirl, you are so damn clever and funny! And I love the oompah loompah song so much!
Dude. I am always up for voting on my favorite ice cream.
Now that's an election I can get behind. :)
(Your kids are cute! Love the costumes.)
My stepson said he's voting for McCain because he heard Obama say that kids shouldn't watch so much Cartoon Network.
I read that a dentist somewhere is paying kids for their halloween candy and sending it to the troops overseas. Cool idea, my kids would make a mint!
Yes, it only it were ALL that easy.
About five years ago my friend and I took our high school sons to see STOMP and it was fantastic! We could barely contain ourselves in the car on the way home! The energy level that they put out there is infectious because we had STOMP FEVER for a couple of weeks!
Great, now I'll be singing the Oompah Loompah song all day!
Found you on SITS, just wanted to stop in and say hi and that your blog cracks me up.
I'm glad that I'm not running for President because I have no talent as a balloon-head maker.
I've seen Stomp! Loved it!!
My FIL used to tell all the kids that he put special chemicals in the pool and if they peed the water would turn red all around them... kids hopping out of the pool and peeing on the grass so much that there was a patch of dead grass next to the pool...
Funny stuff....and I'm thinking by the end of the night...I'm gonna wish I could eat the winner!!! Cuz I'm pretty sure this ain't gonna turn out like I want it too! In fact...it is now your job to post something REALLY funny so that you can help me dry my tears tomorrow....it's the least you can do for your country.
Stomp is awesome and totally worth it. I wonder when the next time they'll be in Chicago is...
I love the dye pack idea. That's awesome.
You crack me up!
How cool that they get to see it fo reals.
I knew I had seen those rock hard abs somewhere!! Like mother, like daughter.
Wow, heck of a field trip idea. I like it.
LMAO...dye pack. Oh I wish.....
Goodness I'd kill for abs like that!
The dye-pack idea was fantastic, a bit evil, but fantastic.
look at those abs!
thats cool the kids went to a polling place election will be in the history books!
I like that, teaching about voting by voting for your favorite ice cream. Cute!
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