Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Open Letter to the Maker of Her Ruby Slippers

Dear Ruby Slippers;
Today marked the end of an era.  I know, I know - as much as you'd rather be slipped on the precious tootsies of my little one, your days were  numbered.  You've served us well, dear Ruby Slippers.  But my little one just can't have your broken -strapped , scraped - glitter, sand-filled , leather-soled goodness anymore.   Sadly, you are relegated to the land-fill of Ick after years of frolicking in the land of Oz.

She clicked your heels three times and repeated the lines "I want to go home" over and over again, but you remained tattered and tired. 

Gone are the days of innocence when mommy could just walk into Target and get another pair of you. And just so you know - you folks at Target ...they are RUBY slippers and are meant to be festooned with (if not actual rubies or)  red sequins and have real heels that make that clicky sound when you walk down the Yellow Brick Road of life.  NOT the cheezy pink glitter ballet flats with stapled elastic straps that make squishy air sounds as you run towards the combo Starbucks-Pizza Hut in the front of the super-store that you guys are trying to pass off as the real thing.  If you need a copy of the movie, go to aisle 16 and you'll find it.   Just sayin'.

She's crushed, but she'll muddle through.  I don't know about mom, though.

For more Wordful Wednesdays. Go Visit Seven Clown Circus.


MommaKiss said...

Sigh. One thing I'll never have to deal with having boys. Wait. Unless they're gay or cross dressers, which, I guess, we'll deal with if / when that happens... said...

Noooooo! Don't throw out the ruby slippers! Trust me...she will want to look back at those shoes one of these days when she is a grown up. I saved my daughter's "Annie" shoes for later and she is in awe of them to this day. Pack them away for memory's sake. (Who knows, maybe her daughter will wear them one day.)

woman who roars said...

Awww. Poor little kiddo. The trama of saying goodbye to sparkly anything is just so ...tramatic!

JenJen said...

Ah. The end of an era. I remember when my oldest stopped liking princesses. I was sad. Innocence fleed. Now? Jonas brothers. Kill. Me.

for a different kind of girl said...

My son didn't seem to care when we tossed his first pair of shoes with skeletons and to be honest, neither did I because they reeked, but this wreckede a little bit! Maybe there's a reason I don't have girls!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Did you know that Target carries those in adult sizes?? The era might not be quite over yet.

What I mourned was the end of Gymboree. I just love thier clothes. And now...Justice just makes my stomach clench.

Justine said...

Ah, the days of the Dorothy shoes. I do not miss them!

Justine :o )

Cristin said...

My Dorothy has the EXACT same pair, and wears them almost daily. We need to get the next size up on our next trip to Target.

Blythe said...

How terribly sad. What lovely shoes! It would be kind of nice if children would stay young and sparkly-footed.

Rosemary Q said...

Love Target and love the ruby slippers! My daughter is all grown up and doesn't wear them anymore but I have an 8 year old niece who loves the pink Hello Kitty glitter shoes I bought for her at Target in December. They are so cute that I would wear them if I could get more than my big toe past the strap.

Claremont First Ward said...

Don't throw them out. She might want them when she's 40. :) I threw out this velvet dress that my daughter wore all the time as dress up and she still hates me for it. :)

Big Mama Cass said...

RIP Ruby Slippers

Deanna @ The Unnatural Mother said...

All great things must come to an end... my mother saved nothing of mine...and it was really not that big of a deal, and if it is - she'll hash it out in therapy when she's 30!!

GirlzHair said...

Oh, so precious. And so poignant. Those times are hard.My girls get super attached to shoes too....for us it was high heeled flip flops, size 4. trashed and loved to death. Stopping in from SITS! Come enter my giveaway for your gal. Tomorrow is the last day!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I adored this post! As a mom who is anxiously awaiting buying my daughter her first pair of ruby slippers, you have reinforced everything that I am looking forward to.

I am sad that you are having to say good-bye to the shoes, but it seemed like they served you well. :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm visiting from SITS ...Love this post- those shoes are every little gilrs dream!! Stop by my place when you get the chance- and yippee I am now following you :-)

Mariah said...

Oh sigh... The end of an era for sure. I'd keep em' and put them in a shadow box or something