The reason for the lack of post-age is not for lack of fodder (oh , there has been quite a bit)'s not because I haven't logged on to Blogger or email or Faceboook (I have been reading my roll and commenting some )'s not because I don't want to (cuz really I do)...It's just that my mind has checked out. I've packed my wit and snark away with the colored pencils and glue sticks and thin-lined Sharpies and awards and certificates and art projects and permission slips and emergency comfort letters and PTA budgets and school plays and 'oh mom- it's your turn to bring brownie bites to the field day told to me the morning of the field day for the entire 4th grade' and all that crap that goes with it.
School's out for summer. Crap.**
**I swear as soon as I can find my wit and snark (I usually don't leave home without them) -I'll be back...Bigger and Badder than ever.
***which shouldn't be too long since I have a whole notebook of stuff just ready to roll.
****I promised a rather risque post and contest and if I don't act quickly, they'll think I don't want it and give it away to someone hornier than you guys ...and lord knows there is nobody hornier than a bunch of bloggers who's kids are on summer vacation and we really need something to "do with all of your free time" (which in and of itself has to be the most annoying question that anyone could ever ask a person who suddenly has some free time and by that I mean that she doesn't have to drive in circles anymore from one school to another or from one after school activity to another who has put like eleventybillion miles on her car in less that a year only driving a 6 mile radius over and over and over again and swears if she had a dollar for every person who asked her what she was going to do with all of her 'free time' she could afford to hire a chauffeur and limo to do the aforementioned schlepping.
*****I just wanted to see if you were still with me and just how many asterisks (aster..i?) she could put after one silly postscript.
******still with ya. And here for support. Summer. sigh
I'm beginning to appreciate how late school gets out around here...Graham has two weeks left..and then... don't hate me too much.. a 5 week summer program!!! Don't worry.. I'll whine plenty for the whole two weeks I have him home full time..
Ah summer vacation. It's just not the same when you're an adult.
If you get a chance, stop by my blog and enter my one year anniversary contest.
My kids are still too young for me to hate summer. But I'm here too and look forward to watching you endure computer screen. :)
Just dropping by from SITS to say hello and have a great day! You have a great blog!!
I like you no matter what your posting schedule is. Because that is the kind of bitch I am: the friendly kind.
I can't wait for summer vacation to start. These last two weeks of parties and field trips have been killing me.
You are definitely always full of wit!
Mmm...bloody mary's....
It sounds so weird, but I hate summer. I love the weather, but summer for a nanny equals more work for the same pay. All the kids are home and think that I am their personal entertainer while I still have to do all the laundry, linen changes, dishes, cooking, cleaning and errands that I do when they are in school. It's so exhausting!
My brain did that for awhile. I took a couple months off really only guest blogging for Moms w/o Blogs.I'm back "home" now. Funny how the spark comes and goes!
All I can say is, ROFL! I think you've got your snark on pretty well.
Justine :o )
we're here for you... i'm glad we could hear from you again... bloody mary... this sounds like party... summer party is here... weee
I'm around, but I feel like I've got nothin', too. Summer, barely in it's full attack mode yet, is kicking me!
You could have gone with more! *****
Free time?! Bwhahhahhahhaha. I haven't had free time since the doctor yelled, "It's a girl!"
I am so happy that summer is here this year. As my kids are getting older, summers become more fun. They also equal more sleep for this night shift mama!
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