These two cherubs are my babies. They are sisters from the same mister. They are my chubby bubbies from the Hubby. My Boopie Lips and Bubba.

Sisters...two very different girls with one very common bond. The big one is a bit tom-boyish and the little one is all girlie-girl. They are each other's best friends. And have been that way since the little one was born and the big one had a live action dolly to play with. There was no jealousy, no "she's getting all the attention". Just pure, unadulterated love.
My own sisterbestfriend and I took years to get this way. When we were little, she scared the crap out of me. She didn't play Barbies with me...she didn't hang with me or read to me wash my hair for me. She didn't do art with me, she didn't make up plays and songs and rehearse and act them out with me. She was bigger and badder. She was tough. I was a goody-two-shoes. About the only thing we did together was gang up on our brother and try to get him in trouble (which he never got , by the way) I could tell some stories that if these things occurred today - she'd be seeing the inside of a "scared straight boot camp" . Once, she had a party and broadcast on the CB radio (remember those?) that she was having a party and our parent's were out of town for a few days. . About 200,000 kids showed up and trashed the house. I 'ran away' from home. I don't even think she knew I was missing.
But then, some time when I was in middle school ..and she drove Greg Hamilton (I still remember his name)and I to the school dance (avert your eyes now Mom) and bought us a few beers and provided other unmentionables for our enjoyment - something changed in our sister bond. Call it our "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" or our "Travelling Pants" or whatever. But she became my friend at that point. And the stories go on - most of which I can not re-tell here , since some time my kids will actually read this and I hate to shatter the image of their mommy's innocence and perfection, not to mention - that our mom reads this and we don't want her to think that we did anything worse than she actually caught us doing ....
My point is that my sister and I are best friends now. We are very different beings...but unconditionally love and accept one another. We don't always agree or have the same values - but that's why Heinz makes 57 varieties of pickles and Baskin Robbins makes 31 flavors. And, my girls are already there with a lifetime of sharing and bonding ahead.
So I dedicate this to all of you out there who are blessed to have sisters whether bonded by blood or spirit. If you don't have a sister - I know where you can get one. And it doesn't cost a thing.
For more Phriday Photo Phun - click here and visit Candid Carrie
I always wanted a sister. Since I can't have one, I'm certainly glad my own girls do! It sucks to have only brothers!
No sister here! But friends :) Love your post!
:( Wah!
I always wanted a sister and feel like I missed out on the "sister bond"!.
Cute girls!
Boo. I'm an only. But, so is my cousin. Although she is 9 yrs younger than me, we are a little sister like. I'm trying to get her to leave Atlanta and move to Texas.
My girls are pretty tight as well. I think it's so cute when they are apart but still think about each other. My oldest has always gone to bday parties and asked for a second party favor to bring home to her sister. A little embarrassing, but still sweet.
your daughters are beautiful. Love the names you have for them. Happy Friday.
It's all Y chromosomes around here! One brother and now two sons - but I'm totally cool with that.
Sisters do sound like a whole lot of fun though, especially when they're cool like yours.
My sister is my best friend. Don't know what I'd do without her even when she's a P.I.T.A. :) It's so sweet how your daughters have each other.
I sorta wish I could give Dottie a sister.... but so not gonna happen...
You better visit me if you find your way back East...
Your girls are just too adorable, and it's so nice to hear that they're best friends. How many years apart are they?
Jill and I are 6 years apart, but once we hit our 20s there was no separating us. I don't know what I would do without her.
Justine :o )
I wish I had a sister. Brothers are okay...but it's just not the same. You're so lucky that your girls get along so well. Mine just never clicked with each other. They are so different and even to this day (they are 26, and 27) they just aren't that close. It makes me sad but they just come from two different planets. Now if someone is messing with their sister...they will jump in and defend the other with their life...but on a day to day basis...they just aren't close. I'm so glad yours have found that special bond. I keep hoping someday mine will too.
Your girls are adorable! I have a younger sister, and I guess you could say we got along growing up. We hung out with the same people because all of us growing up on our block hung out together, but we have very different personalities. She's the outspoken, must have the last word, entertain me all the time type, and I'm good on my own. She used to tattle on me if I was in my room reading and she wanted to play a game, telling my parents I wasn't playing with her. Probably the reason I always sort of wished I had a brother, too!
You are lucky to have had such a wonderful sister....she sounds like she was alot of fun!
You are lucky to have had such a wonderful sister....she sounds like she was alot of fun!
I have three sisters and they all fall within the range you speak of...love them every one!
Beautiful photo, beautiful tribute.
I don't have a sister, and always wanted one. My Ice Princess wants one, so desperately, and my own desires may end up giving in to her ;)
I had wonderful sister/daughter/neice time this week - so much fun!
Loved your post! Hello from SITS
This is such a cute post. My girls are pretty close. They drive each other crazy, but they play together well most of the time. They are 5 years apart in age and in very different stages right now but they can still have fun together!
Saw a shout out for you on the SITS post today! Woot Woot!
I have sisters but I'm younger and they (2) are older and they had that sister bond, I was kinda just there!
Your girls are absolutely beautiful! And I agree, there is NOTHING like having a sister... and mine just moved to North Carolina, about 5 states away. So let the travel begin I say!
Aww, sweet. I don't have a sister, but I'm gaining one by marriage in January. We're both super excited, since she doesn't have a sister, either!
I so loved this....It really made me think of my sister...and how special our relationship really is...congrats on your award...and your sister.....sending some SITS love your way
What a sweet blog for your sister! It makes me wish I'd be nicer to mine...
Even though she bit the dog.
Sisters, there's nothing better.
Hey I was sent her by Sassy Momma! My sister and I love each other but we have had our issues too!
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