And when I try to sit and put down my thoughts - I read my crap and think to myself...stop whining . So in an effort to inject some humor into the funkin' funk - here goes:
Last week , both girls had the flu and were home with me...all frickin' week. I picked up a homework packet for Emily, so she wouldn't get behind. While she was home sick ( and she was really sick this time) she had to: do math homework, take a math test, complete a book report, complete the required '4th grade California Mission project'* , pick at least one fight with me when it's convenient, go to the Dr. for her physical and throat culture, pick another fight with me because the first one wasn't satifsying enough, practice her softball swing, catch up on the SuiteLife of Zach and Cody mind numbing marathon - and , did I mention the fight picking thing?
The little one, who was also home sick all week had to: color, catch up on WowWow Wubzy and Little Bill (god how I love No commercials Noggin channel), practice counting to 100 for the 100th Day of School., listen to Emily and me fighting, learn that just blowing snot out of your nose without benefit of a two ply nose blowing receptacle leaves you boogery fingers, wear your pajamas all day for days, color some more, and promise me that she won't ever be 9.
They survived to every four hour doses of Tylenol, Robitussen and Pediacare. I survived too. I have lost a few braincells - but I have come to the conclusion that I would rather chew off my left arm than homeschool.
*more on the 4th Grade California Mission projects later, once the glue gun fumes have cleared
Gah....I hate it when they're sick. Not only does it break my heart, but it also breaks my brain.
Does that make sense?
Sorry everything has been all snot and shit for you. We are experiencing it this week. Only, my 3 yr old tornado is NOT sick, leaving him plenty of energy to irritate his 8 yr old sick sister.
I swear on all that is holy - Mother Effing February should be declared a mental disorder.
It's tales like this that make me hope a little harder the flu shots my kids got last fall hold on a little while longer!
As for that other feeling you have alluded to? Yeah. I have been feeling the same way, too.
I totally agree with you on this subject. I admirw those that can do the homeschool thing, but I could never do it.
Aww boogers =-( I'm sorry it's been crappy for you lately .. a bit literally it sounds. Hopefully things start looking up soon!
I feel the same way about homeschooling... those people are certifiably insane....
Sounds like a shitty time was had by all...
So have you gotten sick yet?
That's a fabulous sound so much like me it's scary.
My kids told me once they wished I was smart enough to homeschool them. I laughed and told them I was smart enough NOT to. ;)
Doesn't matter though. Complain if you feel you need to, cause no matter who has it worse, you still got the funk.
Oh wait, that sounds like you have an STD or something. Eh, you know what I mean.
Home work frustrates me to no end. I would suck at home schooling!
Why do they make them make up sick days anyways? They aren't in high school.
They are sick. Hello, if they could do school work, they'd be at school!
This is why I want to slap every parent I see dropping off their sick kid at school.
Because I know mine is next. And my week will be similar to your hell. And then I'll take him back, only for him to get sneezed upon and start the whole %$#@! process over again.
I'm with Fannie. Is it June yet?
I think we've all been in this malaise- it's called February. Bleh.
Thank God you got to catch up on Zach & Cody - because as we know over here, it's so much better when you just get to know the same 10 episodes over. and over. and over. Yay, me.
UGH stuck home with two sick kids...that is not a beautiful thing! I hope you all get feeling better soon...and you get feeling yourself again. Winter bugs suck!
Man I hope you don't get sick...
Go drink wine. It's good for your immune system.
Oh yuck.
Seems like everyone's in a funk right now, me included!
That malaise thing is going around... the only thing that really feels worse is homeschooling.
Ick! No wonder you're feeling blah! Do something for YOURSELF this weekend!
Hope your house is healthy!
I dont know which is worse: all the boogers or a marathon of Suite Life with Zack and Cody!
Homeschooling - Ick! I think a 6 hour school day is too short! Get them out of the house!
way to go for hanging in there! That sounds like one long week and no wonder you are in a malaise!
I'm with you...I would NEVER home school....we just wouldn't even make it to the first recess. I tried to teach my kids how to play the piano once. It lasted for 4 minutes before I realized if we continued, it would lead to long stays in the psych ward for one, or maybe even all, of us!
I feel you on your funk, sista! I'm really sorry.
I can tell you that it really cracked me up when someone left a "trouser monkey" comment on my blog today.
Oh, wait! That was YOU!
Hang in there...
:^) Anna
The flu has really been going around here. I'm praying we won't get it.
I'm sorry you're feeling blah. I think it's that time of year...
Looks like you and I have had the exact same schedule these past couple of weeks. If I see another puke I'll lose it. PS... I am so happy to say my husband fixed my error page problem and I can now, once again, keep up with you on a regular basis. By the way, I love your "crap".
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