I got this for Spreadin' the Love from Susan at Life's too Short Not to Share
a fairly new bloggy friend. Thanks - I need this today.
January 10the sucks. This day marks the one year anniversary of my wonderful dad's passing. So I don't have much to say except that I miss him dearly and think of him daily. They say it gets easier...oh yeah? Prove it.
:( Sending you a big cyber hug, my friend...
I am sorry for your sad day! Hugs ()
My heart really does go out to you today. Sending lots of very good thoughts.
Swirly, I glad you got an award. You deserve it. I'm sending you good, warm thoughts with regard to your dad.
Sending you love and light.
Big hug girl.
I don't think that there is a day that goes by that I don't think about my dad. Sometimes I just smile at the irony because we often didn't get along. But he was an amazing man. Taken much too soon. I like to think of it like contributing to his immortality. To think about him. And tell others about him. Remember stories...
What a wonderful father you must have had to miss him so much. I am truly sorry for your loss and that this day sucks so much for you. I'm sending a hug your way and thoughts of peace for you.
Sorry you had such a tough day...I totally get it...
So sorry. I hope your day had a little bit of sunshine.
Oh, Debbie...your precious dad. I loved him. Well, I loved him vicariously through you and all the blogging you've done about him.
On another subject, I drank French wine on Saturday night and on the way home from the restaurant thought of you...and kicked myself for not writing down the name of it. We're going back this weekend--I will succeed in my writing-it-down mission this time. 'Cause I have to share it with you...it was THAT delicious. Sigh...
So sorry to hear about your father. :( :(
I'm sorry. Hope you're feeling a little better today.
Swirl, my friend, you deserve all the love in the world. Or at least what I can afford for you at $1.29.
Big hugs on this day. And Mentos with diet cola for all.
Sending warm thoughts and hoping that your lovely memories are helping you get through this sad time...
Hugs to you Swirl....
I'm so glad you got this and on a day when you really needed a pick me up too. Hugs.
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