Thursday, September 18, 2008

The One with Ragweed and Squishiness and Sleep

Oh hell. It's ragweed season. I woke up sneezing last Thursday and haven't stopped since. Watery eyes, itchy nose...ick. I always forget this time of year. When we moved to sunny California 4 years ago August - I remember feeling and looking like a junkie in need of a fix for about 6's that time again. We should own stock in Kleenex and Zyrtec. We'd be rolling in dough by now.

Such is the price I pay to live in beautiful sunny Southern California!

The other day - Rachel was talking about how cool it would be if we all had SuperPowers. You know, like the family in the Incredibles?

She says "Mom, if we were a Incredible family and we all had Superpowers..ya know what we'd be?"
Me: "What would we be dolly?"
Rachel: "Well, I'd be super speedy, Emily would be invisible, Daddy would be the squishiest and you'd be sleep."
Me: "...?..."

Sleep? I think to myself for a minute ....does that mean I would be able to put the world to sleep to avert the forces of evil? (Like the fairies in Sleeping Beauty who put the kindgom to sleep until the kiss from one's true love wakens the sleeping princess from her slumber) Or, does that mean I bore people to sleep with my mere presence?

Or, does my child see me as dull. A mom who'd rather sleep than play? Upon further introspection - I'd have to say that at the very least , she was partly correct on all counts. I do love me some good sleeping in. But, I wouldn't consider myself dull and boring. Or am I?

Sleep gives me time to rejuvinate from the day's routine, which in and of itself is dull and boring. I am thoroughly physically and mentally spent by the end of the day (or morning, or afternoon) that a good nap or a good night of sleep is the only thing that feels good. Still, I think it's sad that of all the SuperPowers that she could choose for me - would I want to have the power of sleep under my cape? A mom's SuperPowers should be more protective than sleep inducing. Shouldn't it? So I ask you all - if you could have a SuperPower, what would it be? Take this quiz to find out.
(By the way - I am The Hulk according the quiz...much more formidable than The Bore, don'tcha think?)

I guess I am lucky she didn't think I was squishy. That would have sent right out of my sweat pants and to the nearest Jenny Craig...after a good nap , that is.


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

My oldest used to say that my husband was good at math and mommy was good at playing bejeweled on the computer. Of course, this was before I blogged. Now, who has time for bejeweled? Although I must admit to a minor obsession with the game "hot dog Bush." Google it. Ya know you want to ;-)

And I am spiderman. Geeky.

Fannie said...

Is there a super hero called "Whino"? Cause that would be me...

Robin said...

I'm Spiderman..Cool quiz.

I am a sleeper too..I LOVE LOVE me some naps girl. We are so in the same tribe.

Maybe your daughter meant that you can fight crime in your sleep..?!

I think my actual superhero name should be:

Empress Sex Fiend. Hmm, did I just write that?

jill jill bo bill said...

You, my dear Thick and Juicy Ham, are far from boring!!! I am headed over to take the quiz. Hope there's one that called TV Watcher.

cheatymoon said...

I wouldn't mind being Sleep. Some nights I see sleep as an elusive super power. Especially during allergy season. I feel your ragweed pain. When I lived in CA, the eucalyptus drove me to sneezes too.

Britt said...

It's always so funny to hear what kids think of the adults around them .. their perceptions are always giggle inducing.

According to the quiz, I'm Wonder Woman. Holla! .. however, in real life my super-hero name (that I dubbed myself when I was 14) is Jamaica the Bohemian Super Mama. Cha Check it, Don't Wreck it, She'll Knock You Out! ;o)

Oh, and you can't sleep under your cape .. don't you remember? No Capes! lol!

Weith Kick said...

If someone who knew me was to assign me superpowers it would probably be SLEEP too. I love to sleep and take naps. How sad is that?

I would really like to be able to fly.

Kelly said...

That was quite an in depth superhero quiz!! I am Spiderman?! My kids would probably give me the superpower of sleep also...not so bad!

Lula! said...

I wear my Queen of Sleep title very proudly. There is no shame.

And I hate ragweed...honestly, I had no idea y'all have it in California. I thought it was a southern thing. I know so little. Thank God I have you to steer me straight on these things.

Trooper Thorn said...

You would have to most comfortable superhero costume though: flannel pants and baggy T-shirt.

Thanks for your entry on my story contest

Tiffany said...

Sleep. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My boy would say the same thing.

I LOVE my bed.

Nik said...


The quiz says I'm Spiderman - pretty sure that's a bit off since umm...hello I'm a female! Unless my super human power was immediate tranny powers! LOL

Thanks for the giggle!

Oh and I went to
and here is my heroinfo...
Your Superhero Name is The Tomorrow Mane
Your Superpower is Near-death Experience
Your Weakness is Bacteria
Your Weapon is Your Grenade Rifle
Your Mode of Transportation is Jet

Mama Dawg said...

I'm Robin. How gay.

amelia bedelia said...

Im Wonderwoman! I KNEW it!

Cristin said...

I loved the questions in that quiz. I'm Spiderman.

I've had some allergies lately too.. which is so annoying because I got allergy shots for years and I thought they worked...I haven't suffered like this in a long time.. Claritin has been working for me, and Benadryl at night.

Kgirl said...

Oh yes, look out ladies Superwoman/Flash has arrived. How in the world I got two is beyond me but maybe that is where my Superwoman powers come in......hmmm and Swirlgirl, you my friend are faaaarrrrrr from boring or interesting and your little one is too cute for words with the whole super family idea!

Heather said...

Oh I do love a good, long nap.

ms. bliss said...

out of the mouths of babes...that is funny. I am scared to even ask my kids what I would be ....and I'm with ya on the that even a power...does he squish peops at random? or does he morph into blobbiness?

Biscuit said...

I L-O-V-E a good nap. I take as many of them on the weekend as I possibly can.
I am Superman BTW. Surprising! Although I do have to admit I love the "diva" feeling I get when I trade out my nerdy wear for something more spicy. : )

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...100 things and being saucy was a lot of fun!! Finding 100 things is way easier that it seems...

Sue Wilkey said...

I once asked my 5 year old what she thought moms do all day and she paused and said, '"........Eat."

Go, Sleeper!

AngiDe said...
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