Turn up the volume y'all - we're rockin to some Out Kast in the car. Who needs a stinkin' tv in the car anyway!!
We had the perfect day today. Off to a little beach 'shack' in Ventura for lunch, then off to a state park for some zip line , sand castles, and hermit crab hunting. Weather was beatiful, girls and Hubby had a great time. So did mommy! Oh yeah, and let's not forget the eating dinner backwards part...Nutty Buddy anyone?
Envious much??
Parking at the state park = $0 dollars (can you believe some thing in life are still free?)
4 ice cream cones at the little stand = $8.00
Hearing Emily as she hit the metal knot tied into the zip line = priceless
(I may be sick, but I got a little pleasure out of that- sorry)
Wow..I am TOTALLY jealous! What a great day. We used to live by the beach but now we're totally landlocked :-( The kids are adorable..Keep those pics comin!
That was some fancy car dancin'!!
Yeah... I laugh at my kids when they get hurt...after I check for blood and stuff of course..
How fun. One of my favorite things about being in So Cal.
Fun post! We rock out to Outkast, too..."The Way You Move" is our favorite, but we skip over the "ear-gasm" part, as I would have some serious 'splainin to do.
Love girlies rockin' out in the car! We love Outcast (and especially shakin' it like a polaroid). But my favorite is listening to my 7 year old sing Carrie Underwood's "When he cheats." You'd think she'd been wronged...
I'm so glad you stopped on my blog - only because I was able to find your blog! I am loving reading it - I love your sense of humor and warmth that comes thru!! I will definitely come by more often!
I laughed when I read your response back to the Hoover woman - great letter! And this house too is all Disney, all the time! :-) Although we did just add some Nick to it - Drake & Josh and iCarly.
But we are very relieved that all the Camp Rock "stuff" has come out in time for my daughter's 6th bday party at the end of this month - how quickly Troy & Gabriella go to the sidelines. . .:-)
What a fun day!! I need the beach. I really do.
What a great beach day! Looks like so much fun. And I LOVE that song (so do my kids).
I am green green green I tell ya with envy that you can just pack it up and head to the beach. Yesterday we packed it up and went to the Washington Monument and saw the memorials and the White House from 500 feet...I guess others can be envious of that though...but still...the beach.....
Looks like a blast!! Great pictures and you guys crack me up rocking out..
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