Well, "I been to paradise but I've never been to me."....no seriously.
Like so many of us old-timers who used this here interwebs for purposes other than trying to make a living (I know, I know - there's
**yawn**. Then I started reading other blogs, commenting on favorite blogs, entering contests, winning contests ((read: free stuff!)), attending a few conferences...you get it. That was the first year.
Then I tried to put myself into a cool category. Yeah, it's cool to blog. But gushing about your perfectly wonderful children, and your perfectly wonderful Hubby, and how you made perfectly wonderful this or that is ...quite frankly - perfectly dull. So I tried to spice it up a bit. I liked to think of myself as a humor blogger. Humor as in if blogging were a bus, I'd be sitting in the back with the cool kids sneaking a smoke and a shot of Jaegermeister cool. I thought I had found a way to show my imperfectly wonderful children, and my imperfectly wonderful Hubby and my imperfectly wonderful sense of humor to a community of like minded folk. Sounds perfectly wonderful, no? That was the second year.
But, then it became a job. And equally as non-paying as the non-paying one I already have. I would spend hours wracking my brain, combing through notes and the backs of receipts for ideas. 2 hours begat 4 hours begat 6 hours ...became all frickin' day. I felt guilty if I didn't leave a comment on someone's post. I found myself becoming envious of those whose stick-to-it-iveness paid off for them (yes, that .0000002%).
It became laborious rather than a labor of love.
So I up and quit it.
And now that it's summertime - and what I like to call "the Summer of No Responsibility" - I am back poking around . So don't be surprised if I stop in here once in a while to re-introduce myself to you all. They say once you've ridden a horse, it's easy to get back on. Hopefully, I am still in some your blog-rolls (which for the uneducated is a list of links to other cool internetty stuff) and you might leave me a comment, or enter me in a contest, feed me ideas, vent, rant, laugh...whatever. Please do so or else I might actually free fall off the Western Rim of the Grand Canyon like this:
I might be a Humor Blogger - but I have a very fragile ego.