Why won't you let me post any comments today?
I'll be good, I promise! (fingers crossed behind back)
It's like you have something against the second part of the alphabet or something. I seem to be able to comment on A thru L of my daily reads...but not the others.
So to all of you who did not receive a comment from me today - and I know how that just wrecked your whole fricken day (the not getting my comment part) all I have to say is:
"awww", "that slayed me!", "what about the others?" , "very clever" , "wish we had smell-a-vision", "bah-humbug", too bad those mice don't sing like Alvin and his 'munks so you could make some big money", and "that's what I call a brain fart".
Maybe that's been the problem all along. All of my
...tune in tomorrow for some photo phun!!

Technology is a gift. From the gods of torture. ;-)
Love your blog header. Makes me want to reach for a nice glass of merlot right this moment...
Just now getting around to visiting SITSas from last week's SITSmas posts! Thanks for coming by Crumbs and saying hi!
So . . . wait, how do you do that? Blogger is usually my friend but occasionally it's up to sneaky other tricks!!
Girl, you are too funny. I love the pocket full of comments.
I'm the Alvin and the Chipmunks one, aren't I?
I just know it!
If I had a nickel for every brain fart comment I've gotten...
Awww. That slayed me. Very clever. Wish we had smell-a-vision. Bah-humbug. That's what I call a brain fart.
Really funny shit there Swirly. You made me lol. That's good. That's damn good. I might just hire you to write all my comments for me so I don't have to read blogs any more. OMG! That would be brilliant! Hire yourself out to other bloggers and your job would be to read blogs and make comments for them. You could make hundreds!
ooh ooh, teach me how to do strike-through!!
I have to resubmit like 2-3 times on a LOT of them! maybe it's our magnetic personalities.
I'll take the "bah humbug" comment.
Aww, you shouldn't have! :D
Blogger can be rather quirky sometimes. Sometimes I can get my reader to load. Sometimes not. I am more than likely not visiting because my life took over. And then you get slammed with a bunch of comments from me all at once. Kinda like now.
Blogger can be rather quirky sometimes. Sometimes I can get my reader to load. Sometimes not. I am more than likely not visiting because my life took over. And then you get slammed with a bunch of comments from me all at once. Kinda like now.
Yee-haw! Success! So much success...it did it twice.
That blogger can be such a pain sometimes. I love it when it decides to get all premenstrual on me and forbids me from posting comments. I just sweet talk it, wave chocolate in front of the screen, and it starts changing it's tune.
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