...I am letting Hubby do this guest post. Barely unedited and 99 1/4 % pure him:
to follow along ....my edits are are in italics
So I have no original thoughts…
Being a child of the NY metropolitan area I was exposed to a wide variety of media at an early age: Leonard Bernstein, the Turtletaub produced comedies, Notre Dame football re-runs (we move to further action in the same series of downs – says the plaid coated Lindsey Nelson to the always nattily clad Mr. Hornung), All war movies (Patton, Longest Day, Battle of the Bulge, The Dirty Dozen, Kelly’s Heroes to name a few – I love Memorial Day Weekend movie-thons), All Sports Movies (Bang the Drum Slowly, Brian’s Song, Pride of the Yankees), the voices of legends Bob Murphy & Ralph Kiner in the Met’s booth, Phil “the scooter” Rizzuto in the Yankee booth, Bob Merrill the PA announcer for the Yankees and old time Giants, Marv Albert (before lingerie and cannibalism), and the voice of the Giants Marty Glickman, Great TV - too many sitcoms to mention – OK just a few: MASH, Taxi, Barney Miller, When Things Were Rotten (short lived comedy by Mel Brooks – that 9 people ever saw) . And then there have been the movies: Dirty Harry, Blazing Saddles, The Godfather & II, My Cousin Vinny, MASH (the pro’s from Dover version), Stripes and Animal House. And lastly the comedy albums: Watergate Comedy Hour, Woody Allen Live, James Blond Secret Agent 006.95 marked down from 7, Rodney Dangerfield’s No Respect and the classics like Class Clown by George Carlin, Child of the Fifties by Robert Klein and the immortal Cheech and Chong’s Big Bambu. (let's not forget that cultural classic...The Marches of John Phillips Souza as performed by the Marine Corps Band )
Why am I telling you this? It occurred to me that I have not created any new material since I was 5. I mean really new material. I have been weaving in the great lines from these geniuses above for four plus decades now. I have an idiot savants way of using them in normal conversation too. When I hear someone say something that doesn’t make any sense, I almost always utter the phrase “There was one” a line from a confused enrollee at the induction center in Stripes who thought he should enlist before he was drafted – when told there was no longer a draft he utters, you guessed it…”There was one?”
So here is my attempt to explain the Language of Hubby. These definitions are in no particular order but the first one is my most overused line, ever:
“Tuesday” – the answer to all questions…What day is it? When will we have dessert again? When will it stop raining? So why "Tuesday"? …O k here it is: Rodney Dangerfield is whipping the audience into a frenzy, they are getting very loud and raucous, and he says “Hey let’s break up the joint! No- wait ‘til Tuesday, after the fire!” I laugh at this every time knowing the context under which it is said – No one on the planet knows this but me. (especially not Swirl Girl who doesn't even laugh at the original use of the line or anything that has to do with all things Rodney Dangerfield but what does she know , she's a chick) But let me say " Tuesday " is not the answer to the question What day is it? – That answer belongs to the beautiful Appolonia Corleone in Godfather II…"Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday " (which oddly enough even though Swirl Girl is a chick she does get all things Godfather I and II and is right there with me quoting lines at sometimes wholly innapropriate moments)
“I shot the clerk” – Ralph Machio from My Cousin Vinny when the Sheriff says to him…”what did you do after you shot the clerk?” he responds “I shot the clerk?” This line is used when anyone is confused and needs something explained or repeated to them .
“Skieeeeed to Left” – said immediately following any round orb that is lifted past the infield – this is an homage to Bob Murphy – no one will understand that but my brother (clearly no one... see?)
“My kidneys were expecting orange juice, silly kidneys” – used liberally for all drinking occasions that begin before 11:00 AM - and there have been oh so many – stolen from a MASH episode when Hawkeye puts an early morning martini to his lips after a night of boozing – Tell me the image isn’t perfect
“Leave the gun take the cannolis” – use this one every time I ask someone to bring something with us – it just seems so appropriate like I want this and not that. Thank you Mario Puzo – there are no lines from the Godfather that get old!
When someone says – “Man that price is low, how do they do it?” The only answer is…”VOLUME” – a line from the Child of the Fifties (Robert Klein)
When someone asks: “How are you?” The only answer is: “Best as I can be in this price range.”
When a waiter asks: “Can I get you anything else?” I say: “ Sure, a pound of twenties, please.”
“Not ________, he owes me money!” I don’t know where this is from – but I say it anytime anyone mentions someone I don’t know. Sometimes it backfires. Like once when Swirl Girl and I were in Hawaii at a bar (where else) and the bartender was talking about some guy named Mike who had the best secret snorkeling spot on the island. I said “Not Mike, he owes me money!” to which the bartender says – “dude, Mike just died” Needless to say we had to find a new bar to drink at.
“That’ll leave a mark” said any time anyone (real or fictional) falls down, crashes, bumps an appendage…you get the picture.
[end scene]
He may be showing his age here...but the man is a peach. Ripe and ready. Slightly soft, round and fuzzy - but he's my peach. Think I'll go make a pie. No seriously - I love the guy. And while I might not get his goofy jokes all the time - I get him. And he gets me. He lets me. Hope he won't regret me.
He's the Number One Dad around here. I love you dootie man.

Go to The Scattered Mind of Tattooed Mini Van Mom for more significant other guest posts.
...and to all you Dad's out there : Enjoy your day!
...and to all you kid's out there: Tell your dads how much they mean to you while they are still able to hear you {sob}. I love you Daddy, and miss you more than you could possibly know.

You had me at Phil Rizzuto in the Yankee booth. How cool is it that Jeter has a recording of him played every time he comes up to bat.
And please tell me you know of this wonderful man called Ronin Tynan.
The Appalonia mon, tue, wed thing...ha! we always say that. In a thick ass Italian accent of course. LOVE all movies gangster! Godfather, Goodfellas, Sopranos...my favs.
"What? No fucken ziti?!" I have T-shirt with that saying on it.
Very sweet tribute at the end Swirl Girl.
Happy Father's Day!!!
you too should blog together more often!
This is D, Tmvm's hubby. You guys left off Bob Shepherd, THE greatest Yankee announcer of all time and the one Jeet uses when announcing his at bat (come on TMVM!) !!! Gotta love the scooter hitting the Boof, who also played Shortstop (long before he was the pimp for the money store). You know, ever since i can remember, i always wanted to be a gangsta. Go get your F'in shinebox!!!!
Happy Father's Day. I require that #1 hand. Immediately, if not sooner.
Apparently I jacked some names up.
Forgive me. For I am but a female.
And I am known to transpose names. Of my children. Of my dog. And of Yankees.
Except for Johnny Damon's name. I never forget Johnny Damon's name.
Finest Kind!
Considering the two dogs I have owned have been named Kiner and Murphy, your dude is my dude in my books. Happy post-Father's Day.
Your number one dude is a guy after my own heart. He obviously has lived a life and time very similar to mine. Great movie, albums, tv shows from a time long forgotten. Happy Father's Day to him...
Happy belated Father's Day to your peach! Seems that you picked yourself a good one!
Happy Belated Father's Day!
Just dropping by from SITS to say have a great day!
Finally getting around to reading this!!
Hawkeye was my first crush... I grew up on MASH reruns and thought he was just the cutest... I can't wait to use that orange juice line...
I say "that'll leave a mark" all the time too....
Dude! The "He owes me money!" line is from Stripes too. I use it all the time.
Awwww...I wish MY husband would write a post.
never mind, I take that back.
But YOUR husband is very interesting and I'm totally going to use that Tuesday answer. Love it!
My hubby and I are huge movie quote people! Others always look at us like we're nuts when we randomly break out in movie quotes!
I love this post!!
And by the way, great family pic...PS... you guys make a great blogging duo!
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